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Our Space

Why Choose Us?

Imagine hosting a beautiful dinner party with friends or your parent's anniversary party. Imagine not having to clean your house beforehand in preparation for people coming over, or after your party. Imagine not worrying about moving your furniture around to make space for people or having to borrow chairs so everyone has a seat. Imagine not having to worry about the furniture stains or broken vases. Imagine being able to host a party WHILE enjoying it! These are just some of the very good reasons to choose our location for your event. 


We are located midway between Concord and the Seacoast making us a convenient spot for business or club meetings. 

Our clean, comfortable space also offers the opportunity for independent business owners to rent the space as needed, rather than be stuck in a traditional lease. If you teach dance or exercise classes, this climate controlled, open space is perfect for you! Do you teach a skill like painting or knitting? Consider renting our space for your next class!

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